
Server-side Javascript using Google’s V8 Engine.

Recently I started working on an open source project with my good friend, Wess Cope, who is more passionate about javascript than anyone I’ve ever met. It was this that drove the want to be able to use javascript for everything. So we built CoreJS which you can find at

We used for a reference on what should be implemented in CoreJS.

Aren’t there already server-side javascript frameworks?
The main one out there is nodejs. Overall it’s pretty good but the main issue we had with it is that it forces everything to be asynchronous. Having it be asynchronous is great but we wanted to have the flexibility to be both. There are definitely times when you don’t want something to be asynchronous.
So what we ended up doing is setting up our functions to be asynchronous when there was a callback and synchronous otherwise.

For example our HTTP post request:

var data ="/path/to/file", {arg:"arg1", arg2:"arg2"});
//Asynchronously"/path/to/file", {arg:"arg1", arg2:"arg2"}, function(data){  

CoreJS also utilizes the event based model, using LibEvent, and threading.

It’s definitely new and not complete yet but check it out and give us some feedback. We tried to add some decent documentation on how it all works cause we know it was very annoying to even try and build this with the lack of documentation.